Local high school visits intercropping living lab in Bengkulu (7 October 2024)

Local high school visits intercropping living lab in Bengkulu (7 October 2024)

On October 7th 2024 staff and students from the Vocational High School for Agriculture, SMKN 3 Pertanian, Bengkulu Tengah visited the SUSTAINPALM supported intercropped oil palm fields in Bengkulu. One picture shows students next to oil palm watermelon combination. A second picture shows two students, a farmer who is a former graduate of the school,…

IPB and WFBR developed a research and investment proposal for a call by The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS).

IPB and WFBR developed a research and investment proposal for a call by The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS).

IPB and WFBR developed a research and investment proposal for a call by The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS). The proposal aims to establish a pilot scale Integrated POME and EFB Processing and Recycling system to Produce Biogas and Fertilizer as an attachment to the IPB oil palm training mill in Jongol, Java….

Field visit Malaysia and Indonesia for PalmStarch and SustainPalm project.

Field visit Malaysia and Indonesia for PalmStarch and SustainPalm project.

WFBR colleagues Ben van den Broek and Julien Voogt have travelled (16-19 April 2024) to Malaysia to work with our partner Profina in Johor to extract starch from old oil palm trunks to test different starch applications for in the PalmStarch project (https://www.wur.nl/nl/onderzoek-resultaten/kennisonline-onderzoeksprojecten-lnv/soorten-onderzoek/kennisonline/palmstarch.htm  https://edepot.wur.nl/640436). After travel to Medan (April 21 – 26) to work with IPB…

Field visit to Bengkulu and Banjarmasin by Maja Slingerland and Rosa de Vos

Field visit to Bengkulu and Banjarmasin by Maja Slingerland and Rosa de Vos

From 26 Feb – 6 Mar 2024, Maja and Rosa paid a visit to the intercropping project by PT Acronesia (https://arconesia.com/ in Bengkulu, Sumatra, and the oil palm cattle integration project in Tanah Bumbu, South Kalimantan. In Bengkulu, we went with PT Arconesia’s founder Yanda to visit a project wherein oil palm farmers collaborated with watermelon…