SustainPalm presented at the “2nd International Conference on Sustainable Animal Resource and Environment“ (ICARE), hosted by IPB Faculty of Animal Sciences, IPB, Bogor. (16-17 October 2024)

SustainPalm presented at the “2nd International Conference on Sustainable Animal Resource and Environment“ (ICARE), hosted by IPB Faculty of Animal Sciences, IPB, Bogor. (16-17 October 2024)

Maja Slingerland (WU) presented as invited speaker on behalf of the living lab team of SUSTAINPALM in PT BKB Siska in South Kalimantan. She presented on ‘Quality and Quantity of Plantation undergrowth in Integrated Cattle-Oil Palm Production Systems’. See presentation material here. In the same conference, Mr. Nahrowi (IPB) presented about The Effect of the Combination Boron…

Local high school visits intercropping living lab in Bengkulu (7 October 2024)

Local high school visits intercropping living lab in Bengkulu (7 October 2024)

On October 7th 2024 staff and students from the Vocational High School for Agriculture, SMKN 3 Pertanian, Bengkulu Tengah visited the SUSTAINPALM supported intercropped oil palm fields in Bengkulu. One picture shows students next to oil palm watermelon combination. A second picture shows two students, a farmer who is a former graduate of the school,…

SustainPalm publication about the potential of intercropping on oil palm fields in peatlands.

SustainPalm publication about the potential of intercropping on oil palm fields in peatlands.

SustainPalm WP3 colleagues from the Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) published an article about the potential for developing an intercropping system on oil palm field in peatland. In this study they investigated the factors that influence the development of such a system by organising group discussion forums with steakholders of farmer groups, academics, local governments, and…

New webinar on intercropping in oil palm fields: coffee- oil palm intercropping. 10 October.

New webinar on intercropping in oil palm fields: coffee- oil palm intercropping. 10 October.

We would like to invite you for the upcoming webinar in the two-monthly SUSTAINPALM webinar series on intercropping in oil palm fields. Date: 10 October, 09.00 AM CEST | 14 PM WIB Speaker: Dr Aritta Suwarno, Environmental Science, Wageningen University Topic: “Oil palm coffee intercropping: practices, challenges and opportunities” Language: English, with translation of slides…

Workshop on Carbon and Biodiversity rich landscapes.

Workshop on Carbon and Biodiversity rich landscapes.

This week a workshop on “Carbon and Biodiversity rich landscapes” took place in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. It was organised under the #SustainPalm Program by Lambung Mangkurat University in Banjarbaru. Staff and students from IPB University, Lambung Mangkurat University and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences are working together in developing plans and actions to phase out oil palm from deep peat areas in…

New webinar on intercropping in oil palm fields: 20 August

New webinar on intercropping in oil palm fields: 20 August

We would like to invite you for the upcoming webinar in the two-monthly SUSTAINPALM webinar series on intercropping in oil palm fields. Date: 20 August, 09.00 AM CEST | 14 PM WIB Speaker: Dr Ni’matul Khasanah, CIFOR-ICRAF Indonesia. Topic: Agroforestry and oil palm in Sumatra. Language: English, with translation of slides in Bahasa Indonesia. Register…

New webinar on intercropping in oil palm fields: 20 June.

New webinar on intercropping in oil palm fields: 20 June.

New webinar on intercropping: “Cereal intercropping in oil palm fields: experiences from SouthKalimantan”. Speaker: Dr. Joko Purnomo, Lambung Mangkurat University. Date: 20 June. Time: 09.00Am CEST | 14 PM WIB. Language: Bahasa Indonesia. Register via this link to Download presentation of this webinar click in here :

RSPO released an article on its view of the circular economy.

RSPO released an article on its view of the circular economy.

RSPO released an article on its view of the circular economy: “A circular economy is a possible avenue to address the waste problem with its circular nature. The focus is now to be more optimistic and move towards producing higher-value biobased products from oil palm biomass waste. RSPO encourages its members to leverage this opportunity…

IPB and WFBR developed a research and investment proposal for a call by The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS).

IPB and WFBR developed a research and investment proposal for a call by The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS).

IPB and WFBR developed a research and investment proposal for a call by The Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS). The proposal aims to establish a pilot scale Integrated POME and EFB Processing and Recycling system to Produce Biogas and Fertilizer as an attachment to the IPB oil palm training mill in Jongol, Java….